Move here... / Albania
Moving on up
The urge to up sticks and relocate can be brought on by many things, perhaps the search for a calmer lifestyle, a lower financial outlay or simply the fresh impetus of change. A growing number of residents of major cities are now seeking a new start, and you might also be wondering where to go. To point you in the right direction, we’ve flagged three cities in three continents that, for different reasons, are becoming increasingly attractive places to call home.
In recent years, many people have been searching for a step change. Much of this, no doubt, has been driven by significant global events (the dreaded “P” word comes to mind), which reframed the meaning of home and redefined what we expect from the cities we live in. In the US, for instance, research by Goldman Sachs has found that Americans are moving away from bigger metropolises, lured by the relaxed pace of smaller centres.
Many reports have linked these relocations to the search for a slower lifestyle. But this shouldn’t necessarily be – and…